Monday, October 13, 2008

Fun Facts

Okay, so this is strange as I am new to blogging, but apparently once you've been tagged, you need to write 7 random things about yourself... that certainly is not a problem for me--- though Sarah dear, I know very few others who have blogs.

1. This love of the election started before I could vote. I did voter registration in my high school cafeteria, while I was campaigning for my friend's mom, who was running for some local office. She was going to save Lyman Woods from becoming a helicopter pad-- but alas I think the fact that she used to keep chickens in her backyard might have been the reason she lost.

2. I didn't eat cake on my birthday! Heck I didn't eat cake at all. I was the only 5 year old who had birthday pies. Birthday pies do not go over well with the rest of the five year old population.

3. I will stop whatever I am doing and watch the Anne of Green Gables movies on PBS. Yes there are several of them. Yes, I believe they were filmed in Canada, and are not terribly well made. But I loved the books and still get sucked into them whenever I see them. They are usually on during their fundraising telethon.

4. I spent a week canoeing in Arkansas. It was very "Deliverance" which we incidentally thought was a good idea to watch right before going. It was cold, and rainy, but my canoe never tipped.

5. I hate roses! Love most flowers-- especially daisies, lilacs and violets but I have this unnatural hate for roses.

6. I love Bon Jovi, I know that is an embarrassing thing to say, but I think I've seen him 5 times.

7. I am obsessed with Gale Gand. I know most of you are like who is that? She is a pastry chef and co-owner of Tru in Chicago. She is amazing!! I have all her cook books and I've met her-- she's funny and thinks you should eat what you make!


Sorry I think that's as many as I know. And I'm not sure that I can now link you to their sites, but I shall try.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I love bon jovi too :)