Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hot, Flat, and Crowded

Okay, another book to put out there. Hot, Flat and Crowded-Why we need a Green Revolution and how it can renew America, by Thomas L. Friedman.
This was suggested by Claire on her blog- and my friend Stephanie started it and insisted that I read it-- just started but needless to say, I believe it may become another obsession for me. Which might be healthy as I am becoming more and more wrapped in the election, as each day passes. I have CNN or MSNBC on pretty much from early morning to late night.. with NPR in my car.


Sarah said...

So you have joined the Thomas Friedman posse headed by my sister. I think that there might be a restraining order against her....

you've been tagged, my friend. Check the blog for the rules. Seven random things about you... get cracking.

Claire said...

Harsh. He loves me too. He is a genius!