Sunday, October 26, 2008

Postcard Project

Recently, a couple spent two months at AHOPE. They are now in the process of adopting a child from AHOPE. They worked with many of the children at the older campus and told us that the children loved learning about exotic places. They are requesting postcards from all around the world.

So what I am asking is that if each time you go somewhere or even from your own hometown, buy a postcard, write a couple of facts about the place on the back and send them to me. When I get a whole bunch, I will send them to this couple to take them to AHOPE and then I can take the rest personally when I go in June.

This is a great way for the kids to learn about the world while practicing their English and an easy way for us to help out!

Send postcards to:
Tiffany Jones
7213 W. Division, #1
River Forest, IL 60305

1 comment:

Claire said...

I love the idea. I'm on it.