Thursday, February 26, 2009

News from Ethiopia!!

I just received word that Barbara, the volunteer coordinator in the States, has heard back from the coordinator in Addis. The note below is what was sent!! Apparently they think I'm a teacher which is really fine as that is what I do a good part of my day anyway. But super excited that I can begin to look for flights and that I will have an inside room-- thanks for the suggestion Marianne!!

Dear Barbara,

I am glad to hear that a teacher(Tiffany) will be coming to AHOPE.The timing is good which is the end of the children's academic year.
It is also possible to arrange for a room in the main part of the house.
I will wait for the exact days of her arrival.

Thank you very much


Nikki said...

I did make it to AHOPE- it was amazing! I blogged all about it at

Claire said...

Yay! I am so happy for you!!!!!