Sunday, February 1, 2009

Penny Project

My students at school are collecting pennies for Ethiopia Reads, a great organization that publishes children's books in Ethiopia in both Amharic and English. For each dollar raised, a book can be published. These books are for the Shola Children's Library in Addis Ababa and for the Donkey Mobile Library, which is just what it sounds like. They are both places I plan to go while I am there and take lots of pictures for my students.
My friend Stephanie's third grade class collected milk jugs and then painted them the colors of the Ethiopian flag, and labeled them all with information for ER. Then the kids got to go from class to class and explain the project. They were great-- cause their teacher is great!
So we are going to collect until I leave, but I thought it might be a good idea to start counting pennies early and take some of them to the bank. So my students have been counting the 2nd floor jugs all week, and I think this first batch should bring us close to 60 books for Ethiopia Reads. Isn't that awesome!!! I will be so excited to bring them their check this summer.



Watt Smith said...

Cool project. It is a smart and steady way to raise money

Steph and Jay said...

WE LOVE HELPING YOU TIFFANY! You inspire our class, our school, and me personally to be better global citizens. It is our pleasure to support your trip, and we look forward to many more service projects with you!