Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year...

Fundraised and shared AHOPE and Ethiopia with all my friends and family.
Went on the trip of a lifetime.
Saw another beautiful country and culture.
Made so many lifelong friends.

So far in the two days, I've spent time with a dear friend from high school, who moved herself to teach Environmental Education in Costa Rica for a year or maybe two. Her pictures and stories are amazing and I'm so impressed that she is so fluent in Spanish-- clearly she paid better attention in Mr. Hayak's Spanish class or maybe it's the semester she spent studying Tapirs in CR back in college.
Then today, I met with one of the co-founders of Spark Ventures. This is the not for profit that I talked about in November.... it is so inspiring to talk with someone that passionate about partnering with friends across the globe-- that is their goal, a true partnership with the chosen organization in Zambia.

I guess it is just starting to make me think.. what is the next move.... I know I want to go back to Ethiopia-- I'm just not sure what my goal should be.

But to start off 2010-- I plan to try to be healthier-- eating, exercise and working on stress in better ways. And while I try to do that, I wish all of you PEACE in 2010!!!!

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