Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny Story....Life is sure different in the States

We were heading back from Sodere, the hot springs where we took all the Big AHOPE kids swimming for a field trip. We were in a big bus and I was sitting up front with big sister, one of the kids who was being adopted to America. The staff yelled to get my attention because they knew I wanted to take pictures of any animals... and suddenly in front of our bus on the road is a huge herd of camels... probably close to 50 or more. So I grab my camera and as I'm snapping pictures, big sister says to me, "are there no camels in America?" So I said, "well, in the zoo, but no not on the road.".. she replies, "oh, no pretty camels in America." sort of sad... but I wanted to say that you will have so many wonderful adventures in your new home and I hope you will also come back to Ethiopia one day...

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