Saturday, May 29, 2010


I'm slightly hyperventilating here!!! Okay... so crafts, donations etc.. were overtaking my house, so I thought I would start packing one suitcase.. so I decided to go online and check baggage requirements.. Now, I was planning on paying the $55 or so for a third bag on Air France and hoping that I would be able to get Ethiopian Air on my second leg to waive their fee but once again, another $50 doable. Well, I go on Air France.. and they now only allow one bag for Economy!!!!!! The second is $55 and the 3rd is $200!!!!! Holy Crap!!! But then there is some language about when your ticket was purchased and of course, these restrictions literally went into effect the day my flight was purchased.. I mean the actual day, March 28th!! But when I go on Air France and put in my flight info, it says I can take two pieces under each of my itineraries.. I don't know how you get a hold of talking to someone and I don't know who to ask!!! I can not do this trip in 2 bags!! I am going to two orphanages and am bringing a lot of stuff!!! I don't know what to do.. plus I purchased my flights through a cheap air place... and so I'm on a ton of different carriers!! Bad move on my part!!


Tim Fredriksson said...

I dont like Air France. They always show the worst movies (French films).

sko3 said...

since adopting parents now have to travel twice, maybe someone can take a bag for you?

Jill said...

You could look into shipping your extra bag directly to Ethiopia also. You would have to ship it, like tomorrow, to get there in time but I have known people who have done that for vacation even. Good luck!!